Top 10 Telemarketing Sales Techniques
In this post, we will break that system down, bit by bit, and integrate it into what we now call The Ultimate Top Ten Telesales Tips. Without much ado,
here are the 10 excellent telemarketing sales techniques:
Lack of preparation is the number one reason of the failure of many telemarketing campaigns. Preparation encompasses various aspects in
telesales, which we’ll delve deeply in future posts here. It basically involves gathering a solid calling list, having the right equipment, a conducive
working environment, crafting an excellent call script, knowing effective ways minimize objections, putting a good CRM in place, and the proper
training for initiating follow through. The more prepared you are, the more successful your telesales effort will be.
This is the single most essential part of any telemarketing campaigns. The instant you stop prospecting is also the time your sales pipeline will dry
up. Spend at least 2 hours of cold call prospecting a day. This will enable you to connect to more prospects and generate more opportunities for
your business. This is a great motto for a successful telesales pro: “Always Be Prospecting”!
Once a person answers the call, it’s time to qualify. Never pitch the first person who gets on the phone. Chances are the first person who picks up
the telephone is not the decision maker. Make sure that you have the right person to speak with. The phone sales techniques you learned will
helps you get past the gatekeeper first in a very polite and tactful way.
Building Rapport & Gaining Trust
Trust is a very important part of the telesales process. To gain somebody’s trust, you need to build rapport with prospects. This can be achieved in
a number of ways such as giving the correct info the prospect want to know, or lavishing her with genuine complements on her accomplishments
with the company. Once rapport and trust are established, the defenses of the prospec ts will come down and you will be able to pitch effectively.
Always use a script to guide you when presenting. This help you go through the whole presentation seamlessly. You have to ensure though to
internalize the whole thing you want to say to the client, and deliver your message convincingly as if without a script in hand.
Overcoming Objections
Real selling starts with the first objection. Or so most telesales experts will tell you. Anticipate those objections and put together your own killer
There are a lot of ‘techniques’ you can use to close the sale. We’ll go over all of them in later posts. The thing is: if you’re using the methods
properly preceding this part, the ‘close’ will most likely just present itself.
Follow Up
Making a follow up is crucial in telesales. There are times that you’ll no longer nee d to do it. But most of the time, you’ll have to follow through
your cold calls on certain prospects. We’ll elaborate more into this topic in a separate post.
Customer Service
Following a completion of a sale, do not forget your clients. You’ve to make sure that your customer is satisfied and happy with service and/or product. Putting in place a good customer service is the way to go.
The Mind of a Telesales Pro
Keep your motivation up. Success in telesales requires having a positive outlook, staying healthy, hard-working, and continually immersing into the
lore of telemarketing tips and tricks and honing his craft in the telesales profession.